Monday, 10 March 2025

A Fraud Story

 This AM....I was going through at least 300-odd stories, and this popped-up.

DOGE says....the found this bundle of loans....adding up to $312 million, from the US loans during the COVID pandemic....involving 'kids'.

What did they mean by kids?  Well....11 years old or younger (when the issuance was done).

Who approved this crap?  The Small Business Association (SBA).

How many total?  They figure around 5,600 loans (2020/2021).

Lacking These loans, distributed in 2020 and 2021 amid the global COVID-19 crisis, lacking documentation.

What happens?  I'm guessing 'dad' ('Uncle Elon) will send out some folks, and 'Wanda', 'George', and 'Micky' will end up with a fed guy at the front door.

Kid's age now?  All of  these were 11 or it's possible that they might only be 12 or 13 years old at this point.

The average here?  Well....'Micky' probably borrowed around $55,000....assuming each was in the same level.

What may have happened?  I would suggest one of three scenarios:

1.  'Micky' has no idea what happened, and his dad submitted the paperwork under 'Micky's' name. In that has to cough up the $55k or go off for a year of fed-prison time.

2.  Wanda saw what dad get $200,000 for his up at 2AM, and filled out the same paperwork, and got a check from 'Daddy-Joe' then spent the $55k on Barbie stuff.

3.  Hector (from Nicaragua) got some data....did a fake request, and got the check himself for $55k.  

The worst scenario?  You discover that a whole class of 10-year old kids (twenty-four of them) had this as a class project to just learn how to fill  out forms, and then actually submitted them....each getting $55,000 two months later.

You might want to note.....this is ONLY for people under the age of eleven.  There's a second Elon group....12-to-18....which they are working on, and it could be a bigger deal.

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