Saturday, 8 March 2025

Things I Now Believe Will Occur

 1.  November 2026....Minimum of 20 seats in the House flip to Republicans.  

2.  California....will find for the rest of effort to cover fire losses with fed-money.  Trump will deny them funds until they agree to clean up voting registration and agree to some ID requirement to vote.

3.  We eventually learn that the total manpower (civilians and military) for Ukraine, lost in the over 600,000.  We will also learn that one-million Ukrainians living outside of the country.....have no desire to return..

4.  China will pursue 'selling' over 100 freighters to a Panama avoid additional fees established by Trump for 'docking' at US ports.  We will eventually learn that while the CEO is an existing person....the seven board members are all non-existent.

5.  At  the end of twelve months of 'duty'....Marco Rubio is noted as the second most accomplished Secretary of US history.

6.  Hunter Biden is arrested and charged-up (fresh and different charges).  The Biden-pardon goes to the Supreme Court....where by the summer of's determined that it's non-functional.  At the conclusion of Hunter's case.....he's given a two-year prison sentence.  Trump pardons Hunter on the 30th day....if he admits all the cash flow to rest of the Bidens.

7.  This DOGE check that is often mentioned in the news?  Talked about at $5,000 a adult?  In the end....toward November (Xmas-season)....the check will end up being around $4,000.  It's more of a gift toward the Christmas season.

8.  Some California grocery stores start limiting customer entry by the end of only customers with a active credit card. If you shop-lift....they will stop you at the door....charge your card, and add a $100 handling fee for 'lifting'. 

9.  At least 3,000 products will be identified as 'made in Mexico'....when in reality....they are made in China, and shipped with the 'M-I-M' stamp on the product.  

10.  The number two Trump-assassination guy will be shown to have made almost 100-percent of his income over a 4-year period....from Ukraine.  The organization paying him? I predict it will be related in some fashion as a USAID organization (charity-based).  None of this will make sense, unless you regard USAID as a friendly-criminal-front.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

A common practice is transferring ownership while a ship is in-transit.
One fine morning, a ship and its cargo might depart Albuquerque, be sold/purchased someplace in the middle of noplace as it passes Angola, then dock for the afternoon back at Albuquerque to unload its cargo.
Apropos to today's discussion, a chinese company can quickly become a Liberian company in the morning, and an Albuquerque company in the afternoon.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Some might say that threatened landing fee from President Trump is either hot air or woefully 'ill-informed'.
An aside:
Rarely are ships registered in fUSA.
That requires the ship to be a vaguely-defined 'built' in fUSA while hiring specific crews and complying with specific 'laws'.