Wednesday 8 June 2022


 1.  I was looking at a Rasmussen poll....noting what people think are important for the mid-terms in November (done in past week): (1) Inflation, (2) election integrity, (3) violent crime, (4) gas prices, (5) rising immigration, (6) school issues.

On the last, school issues....the poll said 58-percent this was extremely important.

I should also note....this was a poll with 'likely' voters.  

So here is the odd discussion....on these issues, if you asked people to note what the Democratic House/Senate or President Biden has done to counter the issues.....there's a fair amount of silence.  Then if you asked....did they contribute to this, or via pro-Democratic folks in the field help to achieve school issues or violent crime?  Well....that opens up a whole big discussion.

I'd also voice this....whoever is running for President in 2024 for the Democratic Party....they have to talk about rebuilding the character and image of the Democratic Party, and that's a hard problem to consider.

2.  With all this chatter about 'more' gun laws.....might we want to stand up....evaluate the current laws and then lecture ourselves that we are fully implementing or using the current laws at hand?  The odds that people are doing a dismal jobs with the laws at hand?  Probably so discussion here.

3.  By July, someone will detail Russian units in the Ukraine, and lay out that 90-percent of them are at 50-percent manpower.  So in effect, you will see a hundred-man-unit led by a general.  

4.  Washington Post journalist dumping criticism on news media for negative coverage of the Biden administration.

I sat and read over his chatter.  The problem here....all the normal 'units' went far beyond reality and fiction to carry the 'pro-message' for President Biden.  If you were looking for a non-dramatic or non-theatrical four-year period (what some of the Biden-voters really desired).....the Biden-team failed miserably so far.

Covid 'brand'?  That was a poor design for public support.  

It's like they need some Hollywood character to stroll in and take over PR for six rebuild the look/image of the White House and the agenda.

5.  For a long while....folks were set to the idea that the Carter administration (top to bottom)....was the crappiest group ever assembled in DC.'s starting to appear that team-Biden may beat that Carter group.

6. Twitter and Elon?  Zero interest by the CEO in admitting how many bots have it's probably more than 5-percent (he was willing to admit that much).  

SEC screwed?  Once the deal is clobbered and not happening.....a bunch of folks who hold share with Twitter will be all over the SEC....'what's happening here'.  Stock drop?  I'd suggest a 50-percent drop over next six weeks. 

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