Tuesday 14 June 2022

That Image


I hate to admit this....but every time that CNN, or WaPo, or Fox brings up the 6 Jan 'Insurrection'.....this image comes to my mind. 

I don't know the guy....if you asked me to assign some status to him....he's some guy who probably frequents flea-markets....buys crazy gear for costume parties, and just happened to think....what the hell, I'll go to DC for 6 January.

Image for an insurrection?  Well.....if you were on this hearing committee and thinking I take much of this serious....then the image pops up....then 'NO'....I can't take the insurrection chatter serious.

If anything....I'd ask if he remembers anything from the day.  

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

He is Jake Angeli, a sometime actor and voiceover artist who also goes by the name of QAnon Shaman.