Thursday 27 April 2023


 1. Coming to an end for Fox News?

First, remember when newspapers in the 1980s started to tremble and admit they couldn't compete with TV news?

Second, remember when talk-0radio came to a point where reality said....only Rush Limbaugh moves ahead....everyone else is regulated to 'average' numbers.

Third, remember when Time and Newsweak were deemed insignificant?

Fourth, remember when CNN was deemed failing?

I would suggest that we are looking at the two to four year disconnection of Fox News to society.....where they will be like MSNBC/CNN.

2.  What happens to Tucker Carlson?

His contract was supposed to be renewed (probably in excess of $25-M a year). 

I would suggest some deal will be worked out....whatever the current contract has....he'll get bulk of that.  Then he'll sit and probably write a book over the remainder of 2023.  And I suspect he'll end up with a on-line program like Joe Rogan....where you pay $8 a month for view of things.  

3.  All this hype over no debates for Biden in the primary, or Trump in the primary?

Look...back in the went to institutions of higher learning and gained the skill of debate.  At some point in the past fifty years....colleges lessened the idea of debates.

Look around....out of 100 Senators....there might be ten of them with some ability to debate on a topic.  

I don't see a great loss here.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

An interview with the winning Female-Black ['Black-Female'?] University Students Debate Team, including examples of their successful stylings used to devastate the opposing Teams:
Apparently based on their research, Team members apparently feel free to inject the derogatory racist White Supremacist and White Nationalist terms 'niggah', 'nigga', and 'nigger' often -- and often without establishing relevance... frequently several times during a single gasping proclamation.
Apparently, several statements are exclusively 'nigger' 'niggah' ' nigga' , then concluding their persuasion with a closing 'nigger nigga niggah'.
My opinion in the comments:
* "Gibberish."