Thursday 17 October 2024

What Happens To The Venezuelan Street Gangs?

 Well....from now until inauguration day....nothing.

What I anticipate after inauguration day.....approximately 10,000 National Guardsmen (from various states) are going to be activated for 90 days.  They will be given 'powers', and with the help of a thousand US Marshalls....a massive US-wide hunt will start up.....with those captured...brought to some detention 'camp'.  

The hunt will go on....probably for the entire year, and a second crew of National Guardsmen are likely to be called out.  

Venezuela unlikely to take them back?  I would vouch for that.  

So I think some island will be chosen in the Pacific and eventually.....all of these prisoners will just end up on the island....with a pallet of food delivered daily.  


 I sat and watched a clip off a Kamala Harris interview...a talk over ID cards being required to vote.

So at some point.....Harris says 'rural-folks' don't have the ability to copy their present to some county office.  The my view?  'Them folks out in the sticks ain't got the capability to register and vote with them ID cards'.

I paused....mostly laughing.  

I grew up in rural Alabama.....mostly a farming community.  

If you asked today....out of a thousand adults in the many have's pretty near 98-percent.

If you asked many of a thousand have a computer/laptop and a scanner/copier/printer?  It's near 98-percent (those over 70 might not have the 'toys').

If you asked many of a thousand in the county have a legit ID (showing over age 18)?  I'd say it's near 99-percent....with mostly those with low IQ or mentally deranged....lacking an ID.

If you asked many of a thousand can at least read at the 8th-grade's near 98-percent.

If you asked many out of a thousand homes in the county....have a weapon of some type?'s probably near 99-percent.  

In this Kamala Harris world....where people believe the nation is made up of 50-percent slow-people and's evident that these advisers to Harris haven't been out in society much.  

Eight Humble Thoughts

 1.  At this point....having Kamala Harris do Joe Rogan's conversation...makes NO sense.  

On Trump doing Joe Rogan's podcast?  If Trump sits there for 3 hours (typical Rogan show), and makes Rogan 'laugh' at least twenty times....Trump is locked-in and likely takes 320-plus Electoral Votes (wouldn't shock me if NY state even went to Trump).

2.  Over the next four years....there's to be a lot of analysis/speculation....that Bill Clinton's help was near zero (no one remembers him)....Barak Obama's help with black male votes is near zero, and that the news networks are no longer able to bring votes to the table.

3.  2025/2026....I see nightly news via MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR and do less numbers...compared to the podcast world.  

4.  Lets be Elon buying Twitter....the entire 'game' that was arranged in 2022 to prevent Trump getting ahead....was dismantled.

5.  Who suffers the most in 2025?  There's a prioritized list of one-hundred-odd groups, but I would suggest the pronoun-people are in the number one-position at present.  The Venezuelan gangs....running a 2nd place.  And at third....the transgender dynamics and doctors.

6.  Of the 100,000 Americans who do carry out the threat to exit America in least half will return by the end of 2026....saying they didn't find what they were expecting.

7.  If you felt that the college debt stuff was settled and forgiven.....prepare yourself for a shock in 2025, as the debt letter comes to your mail-box and says it's undone.

8.  Prepare for a real estate shock in 30k homes/condos in Arlington, Fairfax....come up suddenly on sale, as gov't employees now worry about being let-go under the Trump period.  This will trigger a 1929-like event.  Properties priced at $800k....will drop by a third by April people get scared.  

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Five Special Groups Who Have 'Skin' In The Election

 1.  There's sixty-odd million Americans who were screwed on NAFTA. They are consumed on payback, and Trump is the only 'savior' possible.

2. Blackrock and 'friends'.  They really can't afford to have Trump running the business sector and leaving them out of 'deals'.

3.  Black men.  Bluntly....they aren't buying any more BS from the Democratic Party.

4.  Print-Media (Newsweek, Time, WaPo, NY Times) and News media (CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, NPR, and NBC).  They've pumped themselves up so far....that they can't imagine a world with Trump in it.

5.  Gen Z.  Brainwashed to such an extent....they can't survive in a Trump world.

Tuesday 15 October 2024


 1.  With the normal conversation between Joe Rogan and guests being 2.5 long should  you expect Kamala Harris to last?

My best guess?  Forty-five to sixty minutes.   The more she talks....the less sense the conversation will be.  If she brings up 'I was brought up in a middle-class home'....Joe is likely to say 'no, your parents were both well-to-do college professors'. 

I don't see this interview being a plus-up.

2.  What about Donald Trump being on Rogan's podcast?

Trump can talk for three hours plus.  Remember as well...Trump is 50-percent comedian, and this conversation might be pretty amusing.

3.  Are there more conspiracies today....than in  1994 (thirty years ago)?

Yeah....I'd agree on that idea completely.

4.  Is there any Hollywood figure who could persuade me to vote for or against something?

NO.  ZERO.  If you asked me of a hundred many could be persuaded?  I'd say fewer than 20 could be this 'stupid'.

5.  Is it possible that Kamala Harris has a IQ-level lower than 90 (less than intelligent)?

I've start to think about this idea.  She either has a IQ problem, medication problem, or a drinking problem.

Monday 14 October 2024

Three Things I Kinda Noticed

 1.  It does start to seem obvious that Joe Biden is doing little things to sabotage Kamala Harris's campaign.  Maybe there is a fair amount of dementia at play here, and Harris's mistake was not removing Biden from office back in the spring of 2024.

2.  Bill Clinton is out to help the Harris campaign.  Among 18 to 25 year old  voters....he's a total unknown.  

3.  The Obama-factor....speaking to young black males?  Appears to have zero effect.  

Sunday 13 October 2024

My House Story

 Back around I lived in Arlington....I knew this guy who had a unique house story.

'Bob' was married to a very determined woman who felt you could always get a 'deal'.  So she went out and found this dilapidated property in Arlington that needed to be torn down.  She offered cash, to get the person to a quick deal.  I'm not saying that she put money under the table  (avoiding taxes), but I would speculate she went that far.

She then hired a 'supervisor' to run this plan of hers.  He brought in a Hispanic no-papers crew and in seven days....they'd removed the old house.  

The supervisor then hired an American company to build the 'shell' of the house....the roof, the base, and basic structure.  

Then the supervisor....week by week....would bring in a no-papers Hispanic crew to do different portions of the house.  Never once....did any county inspector come by.

Adding around 18 months onto the normal schedule?  Yeah.

So when the final detail was done.....the house, which should have cost in the $400,000 range....had a total expense of around $300,000.  

When the wife decided to add the 3-car garage?  That came a year later, and all of this was no-papers Hispanic work.   

When the wife decided to convert one space of the 3-car garage into a guest bedroom....that was no-papers Hispanic work.

Did she cheat American workers out of jobs?  Yeah....without any doubt.  She poured her savings from  the work back into her own pocket.  Illegal?  Yeah, without any doubt.  

The house of poor quality?  I went over one day and observed the place.  In every single room, you can find some detail which is not 'perfect'.  It's not badly done....just that when you ever go to sell the place...people might notice the problems.