Tuesday 15 October 2024


 1.  With the normal conversation between Joe Rogan and guests being 2.5 hours....how long should  you expect Kamala Harris to last?

My best guess?  Forty-five to sixty minutes.   The more she talks....the less sense the conversation will be.  If she brings up 'I was brought up in a middle-class home'....Joe is likely to say 'no, your parents were both well-to-do college professors'. 

I don't see this interview being a plus-up.

2.  What about Donald Trump being on Rogan's podcast?

Trump can talk for three hours plus.  Remember as well...Trump is 50-percent comedian, and this conversation might be pretty amusing.

3.  Are there more conspiracies today....than in  1994 (thirty years ago)?

Yeah....I'd agree on that idea completely.

4.  Is there any Hollywood figure who could persuade me to vote for or against something?

NO.  ZERO.  If you asked me of a hundred voters....how many could be persuaded?  I'd say fewer than 20 could be this 'stupid'.

5.  Is it possible that Kamala Harris has a IQ-level lower than 90 (less than intelligent)?

I've start to think about this idea.  She either has a IQ problem, medication problem, or a drinking problem.

Monday 14 October 2024

Three Things I Kinda Noticed

 1.  It does start to seem obvious that Joe Biden is doing little things to sabotage Kamala Harris's campaign.  Maybe there is a fair amount of dementia at play here, and Harris's mistake was not removing Biden from office back in the spring of 2024.

2.  Bill Clinton is out to help the Harris campaign.  Among 18 to 25 year old  voters....he's a total unknown.  

3.  The Obama-factor....speaking to young black males?  Appears to have zero effect.  

Sunday 13 October 2024

My House Story

 Back around 2010....as I lived in Arlington....I knew this guy who had a unique house story.

'Bob' was married to a very determined woman who felt you could always get a 'deal'.  So she went out and found this dilapidated property in Arlington that needed to be torn down.  She offered cash, to get the person to a quick deal.  I'm not saying that she put money under the table  (avoiding taxes), but I would speculate she went that far.

She then hired a 'supervisor' to run this plan of hers.  He brought in a Hispanic no-papers crew and in seven days....they'd removed the old house.  

The supervisor then hired an American company to build the 'shell' of the house....the roof, the base, and basic structure.  

Then the supervisor....week by week....would bring in a no-papers Hispanic crew to do different portions of the house.  Never once....did any county inspector come by.

Adding around 18 months onto the normal schedule?  Yeah.

So when the final detail was done.....the house, which should have cost in the $400,000 range....had a total expense of around $300,000.  

When the wife decided to add the 3-car garage?  That came a year later, and all of this was no-papers Hispanic work.   

When the wife decided to convert one space of the 3-car garage into a guest bedroom....that was no-papers Hispanic work.

Did she cheat American workers out of jobs?  Yeah....without any doubt.  She poured her savings from  the work back into her own pocket.  Illegal?  Yeah, without any doubt.  

The house of poor quality?  I went over one day and observed the place.  In every single room, you can find some detail which is not 'perfect'.  It's not badly done....just that when you ever go to sell the place...people might notice the problems.

Saturday 12 October 2024

Ten Humble Thoughts

 1.  I seem to 'cringe' an awful lot.  Meaning? I'll be watching some news program, and some idiot will say something that makes me think they are mentally ill, or dosing up on some nifty drugs.  I won't even hit mute....because I'd  like to see what else they might say in crazy-talk.

2.  It's just odd....when you have someone doing BOLD talk over misinformation...if you just halt the talk or a minute and ask 'what is a woman'....the misinformation chatter will halt the conversation.  

3.  If you asked Kamala Harris why clouds move....she'd likely respond: 'I grew up in a middle-class household'.  

4.  Eventually....some American guy who speaks Spanish well...will walk into Mexico legally....re-enter the US illegally, get caught, and be integrated into Homeland Security's database as 'Juan Sanchez'.  He'll get a $10k credit card....get a bus ride to New York City, and sit in a $200 a night hotel for a month.   The story will be made into a HBO series, and shock people how easy it was.  He'll eventually go through a English-language school....get hired at minimum wage....live in a house with sixteen other migrants, and vote illegally under the name of Juan Sanchez.  

5.  With each week that passes since Joe Biden dropped out of the race....he seems more sane and competent.  Was he drugged-up for the past four years?

6.  It seems like half the sixteen year old kids in America....are hyped up about 'rights'.  

7.  I read this week....the vacation trend for 2025....appears to be 'sense of adventure'.  Meaning?  Trekking off into the jungles of Peru.....spending two weeks in a Vienna ballroom dancing school....or spending a week  on the streets of San Francisco. 

8.  Selling Twitter off to Elon, was the biggest mistake ever for the Democratic Party.  

10.  Seventy-two-percent of Gen Z females were polled and said  "mental illness is an important part of my identity."

I paused over this for several minutes.  They are in some form....happy over their mental illness and admit it without any hesitation.

Could you....as a boss go out and hire such a person....even if to sell pet supplies?

'Lost' Revisited

 About two weeks ago, I started re-watching 'Lost' (the TV series).  I'm about half-way through season one at present.   Ten comments:

1.  I finished off 'Lost' in 2010, and haven't watched it since.   To be honest, I was rather disgruntled by season five  and six. Seasons one through four?  It was probably the best written series that TV ever produced.   

2.  My heroes of the series?  Mostly Hurley, Mister Ecko, and Desmond. 

3.  This whole time-travel gimmick, flash-forward, flash-sideways and hell-versus-heaven  concept?  It failed in the end.

4.  How Hurley survived on the island....never losing weight?  I kept coming back to this key point.

5.  'Little Smokey'?  It made no sense.

6.  Doctor Artz...the high school science teacher?  The guy who got blown up after showing up in one single episode?  I kept thinking....what if he'd survived and been around at the end.

7.  Selling me on polar bears on the island?  It didn't work.

8.  Too many characters with speaking parts?  This was a big negative to me.  Through the six seasons....there must be at least a thousand characters.

9.  Too many 'hints'?  Per each episode....I'd say you got at least 15 serious 'hints', and at least half of them....in the end....meant nothing (just added to make the show 'juicy').

10.  Finally....in the end to counter the evil 'John Locke'.....I would have preferred Mister Ecko to pick up the task (instead of Jack). 

Friday 11 October 2024

Three Things

 1.  When some idiot says their friend flipped 360 degrees.....it literally means they are back  to where they started.  You need to utter 180 degrees, or else just keep your mouth shut.

2.  I sat and watched some video clip of Harris doing a Mexican forum talk.....with people asking questions, and she'd respond.

At some point....I noted as the camera moved around the room....Harris was getting verbal comments from the monitor in front of her....so it wasn't really her responding....it was a 2nd person talking via  Harris.  

3.  Presently, I'm counting 6 accents by Harris.  Amazing....all these years and just one single accent, then suddenly she bumps her head and gets 5 more.

Argentine Story

 I read a 20-line piece from Argentina this AM.  Odd order given by the government there.

They've identified 40,000 government official jobs....which require a aptitude-test.  If you pass...you are offered a contract for your current job.  If you fail?  No  contract  for your current job.  'Up-or-out'...would be my description.

If you count all gov't employees in the country....local, state, federal....they have around 2.7-million people....so I imagine that the 40,000 are mostly 'bosses' or supervisors/chiefs.

Any guesses to pass/fail rate?   Not really.  I would imagine  that if you were 30 years out of school or university....the odds might be against you passing....meaning that your score will be less than 60-percent. 

If 10,000 fail?  Well....they get sent to the civilian sector and probably a pay-cut.  Then you go and offer a temp promotion to some folks into the chief's positions.....then you test them.  Eventually, you might weed-out 100,000 employees out of the gov't sector.