Thursday, 20 February 2025

If Trump Assumes 'Control' Over Washington D.C?

 First, it'll be legally challenged by the mayor/city council.....however, the text of the original understanding says that the federal government has ultimate control (funding) and that they are allowing local management.

So I would go and suggest three things very likely to unfold quickly: (1) everything east of the Anacostia River (roughly one-quarter of DC) reverting to Maryland, (2) everything west of Rock Creek and Potomic Parkway (the far western one-third of the whole district, to include Georgetown)....also goes back to Maryland, (3) Trump likes to renames I think the District of Columbia would be renamed 'New Columbia'.  

For what remains?  Trump might offer up a Constitutional Amendment....saying that one electoral vote will be added for the region (minus the farwest, and the Anacostia region).  

As for daily management?  I think he will agree to a commissioner with a two-year term, with a 2-star general to head police and fire protection (under the Corps of Engineers).  

Locals shocked?  Oh yeah.....this will  turn into a massive legal fight.

Humble Observations

 1.  All this Trump-Elon chatter about a 'tour/audit' of Fort Knox.  They seem pretty determined now, and it begs the they know of some missing gold?  

Just getting pretty weird now.

2.  Curious, Delta is saying it'll pay out $30,000 a that Toronto crash....if you agree not to tangle with them in court.  Just makes you curious.

3.  We are living in an era when you get halfway into a news article, then you halt to's fabricated (faked-up).  

4.  Crazy talk.....IRS to lay-off 6,000 folks by Friday?

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

How Social Security Screwed Up

 The chart to the Elon's listing of people getting Social Security.  So for the first 8's probably 95-percent 'correct'.  Then you get to around the 100-to-109 age group, with 4.7-million.  At best....there might be about 500  you know  it's  off.

The 120-129?  You can be's zero, but they are obviously paying 3.5-million folks a check.

So how?  

It comes down to two things.....death announcement/certificates, and the people at Social Security failing their job.

Re-use of numbers?  Well....NO.....their policy is not to re-use them.

The two folks between 240-369 years old?   I suspect it's purely a typo. I don't think the age is correct, period.

These listed for 150 years old?  I'd suggest from the first month of existence (August 1935)....there were some 70-year old folks working, and paying into the system.  A  year or two later.....they passed on, and the death was never noted.   Check was mailed out....the postal guy noted 'Gus' was deceased...check returned.  At the Social Security return office....they just never updated the system.

The development of automatic deposits?  That occurred around 1975.  I would imagine for at least 20-million dead folks....they had a second account that the family knew nothing about....the death was missed, and sitting in that bank account a three-quarters-million (if it started  in 1975).

Can they get the money back?, yes.  But you'd need at least three-thousand folks  working on this, and figure at least three years of time to finish. 

This amounting to a couple billion?  Yeah.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Weekend Chatter

 I watched a Sunday morning talk-show clip....Marco Rubio....being interviewed by CBS's Margaret Brennan....where in the middle....she (Brennan) asserts that assertion that free speech in Germany in the 1930s caused the arrival of the Nazis, and the Holocaust.

Rubio pauses in the answer, and then blasts Brennan.  'Made-up' history crap.

You the past 20-odd years....there were so many idiots who were hired by Presidents....that half of them would readily agreed with Brennan.  Rubio is ultra smart and more than capable to answer questions.

As for the arrival of the Nazis?  If you look back at treaty signed by Germany, the UK, France and the US....the reparations demanded by the the entry-door for the Nazis to be in position in  benefit from chaos of Wall Street. 

Free Speech? By the mid-1930s....after the arrival of the was gone.  

Saturday, 15 February 2025

How a Fraudulent Scam Using Gov't Funds Would Work

 Lobbyist group 'X' comes to exist, and has twenty companies supporting them.  Figure around $700-million in faked-up costs and the federal gov't  pays the 'bill'.

So the lobbyist group is paid $400-million.

Out of this, 10-percent ($40-million) is the cost of running the lobby organization in DC (building, operations, salary,  leased cars, paid lunches, booze, etc).

Another 10-percent ($40-million) goes to the Senate/House support staff.  This is to ensure the Senator or Representative goes by the script.  So you might funnel a $20,000 weekend trip to Vegas, pay a private golf membership club deal, pay for the staff-members daughter to attend Duke University, etc.  

Another 10-percent ($40-million) probably goes to the government agent who funneled the contract to the right company.  He might get a bag of forty gold-coins, a cash-card loaded with $10,000, or an exceptional low-interest house loan via a friendly bank. Maybe there's a private jet trip to the Bahamas for the agent and his wife every August.  

Another 10-percent ($40-million)would funnel off to the Representative/Senator himself.   Maybe you'd arrange for their wife to get a charity-operation executive job (say $150k a year), or arrange for the Senator's girlfriend to have an apartment in the DC area.

Finally, you have the big-pot to handle campaign donations.   You pay some TV station to ensure super-positive comment.  You pay a PAC to help.  You rig donations.  At the end of the campaign....if the Congressman has a $150k arrange for special friends to pay the debt.

The funny that it's the gov't money funding all of this crap.  You can figure that almost all of the House and Senate members are tangled-up in this, and getting some type of 'gift'.  

Friday, 14 February 2025

My One Trip To The Kennedy Center

 This week, the Kennedy Center (in DC) got into the news.  Basically, President Trump dumped the 'manager', and brought in a new guy.

The new guy asked the budget-folks what's in the pot, and they responded 'nothing'.  Even in the maintenance pot....there's zero.  What they can show....the top-level  of the crew....for the past couple of years....had a fantastic salary, but could not make the Kennedy Center profitable.

I've been  to the Kennedy Center once in my life....back around 2012.

I went to a musical showing of Madam Butterfly.  

The Pentagon recreation folks had these discount tickets.....I still ended up paying around $75 for what I consider a nose-bleed seat in the top balcony.

I got there early and being from 'Bama'....I surveyed the facility (meaning I checked out the bathroom and it was 5-star).

Around the halfway point of the show....they paused for a break.   As I tried to exit the  balcony area, and this hefty older gal...probably in a tight evening dress....did some kind of fainting spell.  Some other gal....about 10 feet away....then seemed to sway a bit and seemed ready to collapse. At that point....I felt 'faintish'.  

To be honest, the story-line of Madam Butterfly didn't seem to thrill me, and the faint-business was starting to worry me.  

I decided....enough.   I left at the half-way point.  I took the DC subway home.

What's going to happen to the Kennedy Center?  I'm going to predict that the culture crowd....all bothered by Trump taking over....will refuse to offer crappy musicals, or leftist fits of rage, and the Kennedy Center by the end of mostly closed down.  

To be honest, if you consider the local feeling for are better off with NFL football, or professional wrestling.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The Weirdest Angle Of Revealing?

 With Trump saying he's going to put the truth out....what's the weirdest angle that we might expect on:

1.  UFOs

- We discover there's only one single race of aliens, and they are marginally brighter than humans.   Over 70 years....we've only taken one single craft of theirs apart, and figured out the technology....mostly in the last five years....due to some guy coming in on weekends...named 'Elon'.

2.  9-11:

- We discover that Bin Laden was not the chief source of 9-11....that it was a CIA-group and a Saudi-prince who developed the attack, blamed it off to Afghanistan.

3.  JFK shooting

- We discover that JFK was on the verge of firing almost all of the top-level  of the CIA.   

4.  Covid agenda

- We discover that the plan  to develop  it occurred around 2008-2010, and it had more to do with getting a large segment of society inserted with nano-probs/bio-engineering than anything else.

5.  Epstein agenda and guests

- A Mossad operation from day-one, and over 500 guests compromised in some way. It was mostly to get financial information to bet on the future's market at Wall Street.

6.  Expenditures/Musk/Big Balls

- We discover that since 2008 and the increasing-factor of spending....relates to massive use of cash in the Fed for fraudulent lending, and fraudulent 'grants' to benefit only Democratic projects. In the end, we add up the numbers, and half of almost every single budget...was wasted.