2. At some point in Auckland, I turned a corner in the morning and here was a cafe that was serving up pancakes smothered with bacon and bananas on top. Being from Alabama, I could not pass up this opportunity.
I will say that it's the best way of mixing everything possible onto one single plate. You probably got enough calories to sustain you for 90-percent of the day. Course, it did end up ranging in the $12 USD range....coffee extra.
3. Throughout NZ, folks typically have ribs on their menu. So I sat down on the 2nd day in Auckland, and had some of the finest ribs of my life, with a tangy sauce on the side. By the last day of the trip, I had tried at least six different plates of ribs.
I will note this as well....an average menu will have only eight items on it....with two items being fish of some type, then lamb, ribs, and the rest are beef dishes of some type.
4. Generally, NZ folks drink beer to substantial portions. In the one pub that I stopped in, they even offered up a 'beer research fund' jar at the counter, for tips.
Bad beer? Out of the twenty-five-odd beers I tried, I would suggest that the one that mixed in a hefty amount of ginger was the only way that I would disqualify.
5. Virtually, every NZ guy will claim he's an expert on a hundred things. I stopped one evening and stayed in a 'cabin' overlooking a 500-ft cliff. It was a bed and breakfast deal, and the guy had put a ton of effort into the view, the cabin and the semi-rustic nature of the 'cabin'.
The fact that it was barely 20 foot away from the edge of this cliff....did weigh on my mind a good bit. The view? Worth a million. The thing was, all around was brush, and it looked awful snaky. But in NZ, there are no snakes.
6. No matter where you go on the north isle, there are hundreds of reminders of volcanic activity. Near the center of the isle is the chief volcano.
It's an odd hotel because it's got the old world cinema operation in the basement. There's a fancy ballroom in the middle, and the place looks like something out of the 1930s.
The thing about the volcano and the hotel....it's all in the middle of nowhere. There's one single gas station for about sixty miles. You feel like you are in the middle of some lost civilization.
It would be interesting to ask how long a guy sits there (they provide some kinda parka for the experience). Then I'd be asking about the alcohol affect and the temperature. It's probably not the kind of place you'd want to spend more than two hours.
8. While in NZ, I was introduced to something they call the 'Blueberry Bomb'.
Calories? They are careful to make it confusing. After consuming my 5th one.....I got around to figuring out the big container was in the range of 850 calories. I guess it was meant for two or three days. Yeah, I was consuming one every single morning.
If you can take one of these.....toss it into the freezer at your hotel for an hour, and then guzzle it down....the sugar fix hits you and you feel all happy and chilled.
It's probably something that you'd best not get addicted to.....for the calorie reason.
9. At some point in my stay in Queenstown, I took a day-trip out to some remote area of the region, which overlooked the lake.
It was a small town situation, and we stopped at a city park, with a WW I memorial.
When you look over this small village....the population in 1914 probably didn't exceed more than a thousand, and twenty-five lost souls did amount to an awful lot of the local character.
It's one of those things that you look at for a good ten minutes and realize the impact of the war, and the burden on folks after the war. Still today, they likely remember the event.
10. As you travel on public transport (trains and buses), you tend to see various signs....letting you know that destruction is a thing which can get into trouble....to include vandelism and spray-painting.
New Zealand folks are pretty serious about this. Their threat?
The thing is....after a while, you notice that there isn't any graffiti around on trains, like you see in Germany or France. Nor do you see damage on buses.
I'm guessing that after putting a few folks in jail for a month or two.....folks realized the cops were serious and this stupid stuff stopped.
After walking around, you tend to notice a limited number of radicals or criminals. I think the judges are pretty serious about real jail time, and it has a positive influence on society.
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