Friday 14 June 2019

Index of Peace

Someone went and did a survey of 'peace' around the world, and built an index.  The US rating?  We were around 128 on the list of countries, in terms of safety and peace.

I sat and pondered over this index and the way they built it.

The problem I have is that if you went to an individual state (say Alabama, and in particular the northern third of Alabama).....we probably would have rated up there with Iceland (the number one country in terms of 'peace' and safety.

But once you push in assaults, shootings, murders, and various other non-peace events.....well....the nation of the US can't compete with Iceland (rural Alabama could).

Why so much lack of 'peace'?  I look at five issues:

1.  Drug abuse and the escalation over the past three decades.
2.  Seriously mentally-ill individuals who have two choices....roam freely among the public, and thrown into a prison-jail system.
3.  A national belief that we are the world's protector, and we willingly roam around looking for some 'mess' to solve.
4.  A national willing nature to let problem behaviors to develop and get worse.
5.  Lack of respect, across all lines.

But the idea of letting these PhD folks continue this trend, and toss the everyone into some big joint 'group'?  It simply promotes a fake survey and data in the end. 

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