Thursday 22 August 2019

The Insignificance of Google and the 2020 Election

Based on commentary, there is a good bit of speculation that Google's intellectual leadership crowd intends to play into the election and help defeat Trump.

I've sat and pondered over this a good bit in the last month, and come to this one really won't matter much.


First, between social media and the news media....they've both reached a point where trust and respect by the average American is that of a used car salesman.  Whatever the nightly 'talker' says on the network news piece from ABC or CBS....really doesn't matter.  Even if Google sensationalizes the piece....who really believes Google? 

Second, after all that chatter of Russian collusion....there's this general belief by the public that it's all one big fake soap opera....which leads back to either Brennan (the former CIA chief) or Hillary's campaign staff.  An attempt by Google traffic or creations to create a new Russian collusion?  No one would believe it.

Third, there's this strong possibility that Google will be thrust into a utility status, and that the various mechanisms of the organization will have to go in front of either a federal utility group or fifty state utility commissions.  It'd basically create a bigger mess for Google to handle.

So all this effort and chatter?  Worthless?  Yes.  That's the amusing part of the story.  Instead of working on their product and profits.....they've wasted all this on a political agenda. 

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