Saturday 2 November 2019

Trump, Seabiscuit, and the Little Guy

One of my favorite movies of all time (there's probably twenty on that list, and it does include Harvey, Bridge Over River Kwai, and the Quiet Man) is this racing horse movie 'Seabiscuit' (2003).  It didn't make a lot of money, and the majority of people would quietly admit they've never watched it.

'Seabiscuit' is about this down and out horse-race enthusiast, this down-and-out trainer, this down-and-out jockey, and this stubborn, hardheaded, and temperamental horse (Seabiscuit).

In the darkest of times (1930s depression era), this story unfolds.

Here's the thing about this 99-percent of scenarios, this is a loser horse and carries way too much temper upon his shoulders.  He doesn't want folks standing in his way.  He doesn't care for calm nature.  He doubts humans as 'controllers'.  Everything about Seabiscuit would indicate that he's not destined for horse-racing.

Somehow, this trainer has found this kid who has similar issues.  Between this odd foursome, there is a destiny that has been constructed.  Seabiscuit basically can't lose, but only because he's got the rider, the trainer, and the owner who believe in the temperamental horse.

Trump's political life is more or less like Seabiscuit.  Trump is temperamental, hardheaded, and stubborn.  Without the public behind him (in the role of the owner, trainer and jockey)....he wouldn't have amounted to much of anything.  So these things came together.

Then you have this thing about racetracks.  If you've never been to a racetrack, there is this unusual charm about it.  When you arrive and there's some legend on the track for one of the races.....people are pumped up.  They want to see the horse run, and they want some charisma that most horses just can't give.  They want to see a horse come from behind, and nudge the other horses to the side.  They want something that you typically don't see much of.

This Trump era....whether you like or dislike him, is a sort of political tale revolving around the Seabiscuit twists and turns.  There's certainly people there who are betting on the 'horse' to lose, and they'd like to get impossible odds.  But the Seabiscuit-crowd are hyped-up and just thrilled to be at the track and to see one great horse gave a once-in-a-lifetime show.

It's the little guy, who wants to see this 'race' occur, and they've bought into the entire show.

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