Wednesday 10 June 2020

Is Antifa Simply the 'Step-child' of the German Red Army Faction?

There is an interesting short article which discusses the old German Red Army Faction (RAF) and how Antifa relates to them....over at the Center for Security Policy. 

I discussed the beginning of the German Antifa a few days ago on my other blog site.  For brief side of that the very end of the war....the Communists became a reality. 

The Communist Party of Germany attempted to become a public magnet between 1919 and 1933, and with public standing rarely going past 15 percent (mostly in urban areas).  Toward 1930, in heavy competition with the Nazis and the SPD Party (the left-of-center folks)....the Communist Party reached a point where they declared both the SPD and Nazis a problem, and eventually opened up a bigger mess, with the Nazis convincing a lot of the public that the safer of all choices, for stability....were the Nazis.  Ultimately, that worked.

By 1934, Hitler had dumped the Communists and went to one of two policies....either kill the leadership, or chase them out of Germany.  Those of the German Communists who went to the Soviet Union?  By 1937, they'd been executed by Stalin or taken to Siberia.

The remaining minor players in Germany?  They claimed that they converted into something called 'Antifa'. 

There is some speculation going on that after things began to develop...the Antifa of Germany eventually by the late 1960s had become creature heading toward the Red Army Faction. 

One key point pointed out.....the RAF had known leaders.  You can't say that for Antifa in the US. 

The attempt to convince the public of some political end-result (dump Trump)?  This is an odd thing....basically, you'd be saying that Biden (or whoever takes over for Biden) will be this guy to bring people together.  It's hard to imagine how you'd plan this 'sell' to the general public. 

So a terror organization like RAF....developing out of this?  It's a curious thing to suggest. 

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