Friday 12 June 2020

My Feeling Over Renaming Bases

With all this chatter about renaming US military installations if they bear some Civil War individual name.....I've come to this conclusion.

First, we need to rename the Civil War....the 'Uncivil War'.  This is because it was very uncivil in the end.   This will require taking in all history books (libraries, high schools, universities), and burning them....then waiting for the replacement books to arrive.

Second, all bases.....even those which have no connection to the 'Uncivil War'....need to be renamed.  So I would start a new naming convention.  Base 'A1'.  Army Post 'E8'.  Naval Station 'Q8'.

Occasionally, we would switch the names around, to confuse the Russians and their strategic targeting.

Third, anyone named Lee or Bragg in the US....will be given one year to adapt to a new last name.  Anyone failing this order, will be given the last name of 'Trump'.

Fourth, all American history will be limited to the first seven years of high school.  History will be forbidden after that point.

Fifth, any 'experts' who appear on CNN or Fox, to talk about history....must pass an actual history test, on a yearly basis.

Sixth and final, all statues and paintings within the US Capital building must be removed by the 4th of July of this year.  The Capital building must be sanitized and represent....nothing of the the past.

(I should note this....toward the end of an era in both Roman and Greek history.....statue dumping reached a enthusiastic period, and everyone was doing it on a weekly or daily basis). 


bob searcy said...

well , they could rename ft bliss . at the age of 17 i found that to be just a cruel gimmick . :)>

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Behind all of this, I expect sport teams with Indian names will be next.