Thursday 11 June 2020

Pretending to Be 'Good' Versus Being 'Good'

I noticed off of Twitter yesterday....some discussion had started up over the idea of people now focused on 'pretending' to be good....instead of actually being good.  It's an interesting discussion.

There are various things over the past decade which would indicate that a fair number of people are obsessed with 'looking' good or pretending to be good.  It's like the youth crowd trying to get into ivy league schools, and having to pretend on a number of accomplishments while 15 and 16 years entice the board at the ivy league school to accept them finally at age 18.

You see a lot of internal discussion going on with Christian groups/churches now....with some wanting to admit that they aren't doing 'good', or wanting to admit some guilt or shame.  Oddly, the same group can't find it in themselves to physically do some good....they just want to walk around and admit being a bad sort of 'good'. 

You see politicians obsessing over doing good....but the more you examine their seems to be pretending mostly, and the deeds list never goes past three lines. 

Kids are sitting there and observing all of this, then thinking....why bother being good....I'll just go the easy route and pretend as necessary.  It's a bad point for society to accept this type of behavior. 

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