Thursday 23 July 2020

The Five Essential Weaknesses of Antifa

There are probably a lot of weaknesses, but these are the ones which would readily collapse it in the end.  I spent a fair amount of time over this weekend....thinking about this, and the whole 'movement'.

1.  It's really not a terror unit.

I think a lot of people have envisioned it as a pure terror operation.  It's not that type.  It's more of a cult.  Yes, a plain regular cult.

College kids get the HR recruitment angle via professors, and reach a stage of not questioning logic or end-result.  It's pure indoctrination that you'd get with some religious cult.

The cult plan is to convince kids that anyone that questions them, their logic, or their plan for the a threat to the cult (Antifa).

Kids are driven to accomplish the terror acts....for little to no money.  Usually, their trip or lodgings are financed, and maybe they get $200 in cash for their weekend of effort.  Typically, they only work a single weekend.  For this present episode, there's probably a minimum of a $1,000 per week being expended (just my humble guess).

2.  The college professors are the indoctrination team.

They do the brain-wash, and then hand off the new recruits to slightly older students who are masters-degree or PhD program candidates.  They form a cell operation.  If you remove the professors....recruitment drops off real quick.

3.  Working-class people don't fit.  They believe in capitalism.....working to make money, and appreciate things they've earned.  Antifa can't really find these folks and recruit them.

4.  When you've finally gotten arrested for something serious, you are kinda dependent upon the lawyers that the Antifa team hire for you.  If you got real stupid and hurt someone badly?  Well....those lawyers aren't going to be able to help you much. 

So reality sets in.....then you start to realize that real jail is openly discussed now, and your parents can't help you....nor can Antifa.

5.  You ever seen any 40-year old Antifa folks?  Most grow up and leave the movement because they can't see the future developing in a Marxist way.  They lose focus, and become an adult. 

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