Wednesday 12 August 2020

Antifa X-Files Chatter

Over the past month, I've continued to hear/read commentary from Antifa 'kids', who want me to know about abducted people and Trump's secret police.  It's hyped up and I read over the claim....then wait.  There should be names and locations listed out.  None ever get presented.

So-and-so was abducted by the secret police, and they haven't been seen since that evening.


It's almost like an episode X-Files and you keep thinking Men-in-Black (MiBs not BLMs) are involved.

The Antifa kid swears up and down.....some 20-something gal was with him, and then the secret-police pull up, and grab her.  So you'd think....did you do an introduction, ask about her favorite band or if she would like a Pepsi after the riot business tonight?

Will the 'smoking man' show up?  Will Fox solve the mystery of missing Antifa 'maiden'?  Will Scully figure out the Portland vampire-nutcase as part of the Trump secret-police episode?

It is a great urban Bigfoot or Nessie, but without a name, it's non-existent.

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