Tuesday 25 August 2020

RNC: Night 1

I spent about 70 minutes this morning looking at clips.  My observations:

1.  Senator Tim Scott gave a 12-minute speech, which I'd rate near 5-stars. 

2.  They allocated three minutes to Herschel Walker, who I think gave a pretty good speech.  It would have better to give the guy triple that time.

3.  The highlight speech for the evening was this St Louis couple who defended their home, and got charged up by local Democratic authorities.  They got four minutes to say their piece and it probably hurt Biden's middle-class support by what they had to say. 

Overall, from what I saw....it was a good opening night.  At least they did have a crowd in the arena...although numbering less than 200 (social distancing) from what I could observe.

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