Thursday 3 September 2020


During Desert Storm, I was lucky enough to be on a maneuvering shift'd pull three 12-hour night shifts, then get a few extra hours of sleep and then pull three 12-hour day shifts. 

After just four weeks of this, most folks would agree that night-shifts were a killer, and messed up your sleep-schedule enough that you were marginally getting five hours of decent sleep per day.  Fortunately for the situation...the war lasted 42 days. 

Down the road from our building....another unit stood, with just two guys doing, the same thing that we were doing.  There was no rotating shift, and both of them had been doing the shift thing at least a full month before the war even started. 

I went over to visit this building the day after the war ended, and here was 'Airman Jim', and you'd best describe his condition as half-zombie, and half-dazed.  They'd sent him back to the tent and he slept a full twenty-four hours, but it hadn't helped him at all.

I asked 'Airman Jim'....what happens once he returned to Myrtle Beach, and he responded....he had five months left in the Air Force and was getting out.  He was burned out to the maximum, and probably showing three or four signs of PTSD. 

So I turn now and gaze at the Antifa crowd in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, etc.  Some have been on 'duty' since April.  They 'work' from early probably 4 AM.....getting picked-up and taken to some hotel.  With the weed and pills, they probably don't fall asleep until 9 AM and barely get five to six hours of sleep daily.....then repeat this day in and day out.

The coffee....the high-energy drinks?  All help to keep them focused at the early part of the shift.  A few stimulant pills fall into play, which keeps them focused.

Day in, day out....the routine continues.  You start to argue more.  You put up with more risks.  You wake up around 6 PM today, and count up a total of 20 hours of sleep over the past seven days. 

All of this is leading to PTSD symptoms....for people who are between 18 and 30 years old.

Can they continue on through November....even into the spring of 2021?  I have my doubts.  Breakdowns will start to occur.  Drug usage will slip to more extreme drugs, and at the one-year point....even your Antifa 'Captains' will question your reliability. 

Go figure around the holiday season that the news people start chatting about this, and the type of therapy required for recovery.

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