Friday 4 September 2020

Fact-Checker Chatter

I read through a piece this morning that explained how the fact-checking to the Biden-Trump debates would go (in theory).

As Joe talks, there would be a text line down at the bottom of the screen.  Same for Donald.

Now, some folks (older folks)....have the general text turned on anyway....meaning as Joe talks....his commentary is appearing at the bottom of the screen.

So you sit and imagine this.....bunch of text rapidly running across, and underneath that....another whole roll of text also rapidly running across.  Can anyone even read that fast?  I just don't think a mortal human can do it. 

Then you toss in Joe's commentary.....taking eight topics in a 3-minute period...WW II, Cowboy movies, what he did as VP in 2012, a great ice cream he had last Thursday, the economy, ticks on dogs, a quote from Elvis, and how to solve world-hunger.  Can a fact-checker even comprehend all of this and encapsulate this to run under Joe's commentary?

Most folks will be looking at the Joe fact-checker text and be so confused.....that they won't be able to focus on Donald or his fact-checker.  They will still be asking ten minutes later....what WW II or ticks on dogs had to do with the economy.

All of this....will confuse people enough....that they will turn off the 2nd and 3rd debate entirely.   Some idiot will even ask the CNN guy what tick-powder that Joe advocates for dogs. 

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