Saturday 12 September 2020

NY Decline

Forbes put out an interesting article in the fall of 2019, and chatted over the decline of New York state over the past nine years....saying 1-million left.  This was before the Covid-19 and crisis period started. 

Since early 2020?  Between March and late May, the best numbers say in the Manhattan area alone....500k residents up and left.  If you could count the entire state, and the period since late May?  I would take a guess that another 500k residents have left the city/state. 

Before Covid-19 arrived, there was already a consensus among people that the tax situation was becoming a handicap.  Since Covid-19? options have dwindled (plays, musicals), and restaurants/bars have basically shutdown.  Crime went in....particularly violent crime.  All of this made people ask the there anything to stay for?  General answer?  No.

Here's the real crisis landscape to look upon....the city only existed because of wealthy people being based there and spending capital like crazy.  They had people who were willing to pay $500 a month on crazy tickets to Broadway shows.  They had people who had lifestyles that revolved around $10k being spent monthly on fashion, trends, and fake fine wine.  They had people who would easily spend $100k on a A-list party....with shrimp flown in and guests wearing $3k Italian shoes. 

It was a Disneyland for adults.....of an extremely different variety.  Now?  I would call it a 2-star Disneyland, with crime evolving on a daily basis.  

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