Tuesday 15 September 2020


 1.  Wokeball (what used to be pro NFL football) got dismal ratings over the past week, and any hope that the season could be attracting the normal fans?  That's ended.

Note, Wokeball can be applied to baseball and NBA action as well.  Same rules.  

2.  All this rioting and looting business....it's basically become a modern times 'Jackass-Show', where people watch it for thrills or entertainment. 

3.  They had a 'Latinos for Biden' car demonstration rigged up for Vegas earlier in the week.  Someone showed up right around the time that the 'parade' was supposed to start.  Total number of cars?  Eleven.  It might have helped if the Biden people had shown up with forty rental cars, and forty fake-actors driving the cars to participate.

4.  It kinda got noticed yesterday.....as Ohio mails out the mail-in-vote ballots.....that there is no return postage envelope included.  Basically, you (the voter) will pay for the return of the ballot.  Similar to a poll-tax (basically illegal for over sixty years)?  Yes.  An effect upon the welfare class?  No doubt.

5.  Another post office worker shot (2nd in a week)?  Yes, in Virginia.  All this will do is trigger postal workers to start carrying a firearm.

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