Friday 25 September 2020

Riot/Loot Burnout?

 Around a hundred days ago, I would have told you that you can only attract a certain amount of positive public attention with rioting, looting and mob-behavior, and then it starts to fall back into negative territory.  At best, you had four to six weeks that the trend might have been in your favor.

Somewhere in July, the trend headed south.

Presently, the Antifa/BLM business isn't attracting's repelling them.  It's true in western states.  It's true in urbanized areas like Detroit, Minneapolis, and Portland.  

The Democratic Party and it's attachment to the stance?  I don't think they thought much about running this type of operation for a hundred-plus days.  They simply figured that Trump would react....use massive federal resources (maybe even the US military) and this 'Kent-State' type of event would occur.  Then Trump's hype with the general public would go away. didn't happen.

Lot of people just standing there now and having no attachment to the riots....just watching the violent angle of it, and appreciating that they still have police in their neighborhoods.  

Wasted time and resources?  More or less.  You can ask them if they will ever repeat this gimmick, and they probably will just stay silent on that subject. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Despite the evidence hanging right in front of their face, I believe that a number of Democrats believe the following parts of their own propaganda:

1. They're the smart ones, which means their opposition is dumb.
2. Trump's their opposition, therefore he's dumb.

So they set up a situation where they figured that Trump would be both dumb and eager to crush the protests and break the law in doing so. Trump proceeded to leave them to clean up their own mess while also making it clear that (if requested) he would send in Federal resources while knowing full well they wouldn't. So while the protests and riots are spreading, it's more out of desperation by the organizers than for any useful purpose.

The rioters are also discovering that once they're out of "friendly" cities, they're getting the book thrown at them while no bail is set; a new and unsettling experience for the folks used to the "make bail, get out, riot again" paradigm.