Tuesday 6 October 2020

KGB Story

This morning, I read through a piece which was uttered by a Harvard professor.  It doesn't mean much to me....it could have been a Tulsa cable-TV repair guy.

The guy got onto some rant or claim that Russian KGB guys (secret agents) were capable of wandering into Walter Reed hospital where Trump was this weekend.

That was the bulk of his rant.....he didn't say that the agent put Ex-Lax into Trump's soda, or they had a bug inserted in Trump's room, or that the agent pretended to be a secret agent of Nancy Pelosi.  

All of this....without any factual data.

It was the kind of statement that you'd hear at the general store in the 1960s, where some farmer discussed aliens having landed and taken over the country, or that secret agents from Cuba were running the Ford Motor Company.   Yeah.....nutcase chatter.

Why did they have to be Russian KGB guys?  Why couldn't they be PRC (Chinese) agents, or Ukrainian agents, or German BND agents, or perhaps even Iceland secret-police agents?

Maybe it's just me....but it seems like some of these PhD guys need a break from work....maybe a full-year sabbatical situation and get pushed into a cabin in the Idaho wilderness with pallet of Pabst Blue-Ribbon beer, a freezer of steaks, and maybe no connectivity to the rest of the world....to clear their head.

If you are going to make up a Russian KGB story....at least get some names in the mix, suggest they are connected in some way to CNN, and crank up some story about the Russian mafia buying up cattle-futures on the Chicago market system.

1 comment:

bob searcy said...

damn humorous writing . :)>