Wednesday 11 November 2020

Fixing Ailments the German Way

 When a German mentions up 'Kur' leads down this path where they've had mental or physical issues, and they need 'recovery'.   Logically, you ask questions, and once it's identified as something other than's best to stop the chat there and not ask any more questions.

What the 'Kur' ends up being?  I'd call it a 3-to-4 week period at some motivational hotel operation.  Some are rigged up to be physical operations....where you spend eight hours a day walking, swimming, or doing some kind of Yoga-stuff.  They'd like for you to eat right....consume spring-water....and lay in some warm waters.

Others are rigged up to handle mental issues or alcohol problems.  In this case, a lot of time is spent on stress issues....getting you motivated....and working you to the point of either accepting life's issues, or moving on.    

They kinda lay out 100 rules as you check in.  In the old days (up until the 1980s), you could show up and just 'party' for four weeks.  Now?  They expect you to achieve something. So there's not supposed to be any booze around.  They generally want you on a schedule.  You can't disappear for four hours.  

What you can count on....fairly cheap coffee, basic grub for breakfast, some basic grub for lunch (2-star probably), and soup/salad for dinner.  Most Germans will tell you....unless you sneak out for a schnitzel plate at the local will be losing weight over the four-week period.

So does all of this effort lead to anything?  It's mostly a debate where medical folks say yes, and the actual consumers are just agreeing to get four weeks of paid-leave and some marginal resort situation. 

I asked older German worker on Ramstein about this whole deal.  The guy was nearing 65 and retirement.  He admitted in his entire life....never done a single 'Kur'.  From his wife's folks....just about every single one of them had done a minimum of one trip in their life....some were working on the second trip.  His impression that maybe for physical made sense.  For the rest....if they hand these people sandbags to fill for a week, they'd get this torment stuff out of their mind.

So if you ever hang out with a German and they bring up the 'Kur' might want to avoid asking many questions.  The less you know....the better off are you.  

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