Monday 9 November 2020

The 1.8 Million Extra People

 This came up today, and it's a moment to ponder upon.

The organization....Judicial Watch....had gone out with a September 2020 study.  There's this odd factor....EIGHT states (353 counties) have 1.8 million more registered voters than actual eligible voting-age citizens.

The states?  Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, Vermont, and Rhode Island.

So you could have walked into a particular Colorado county that has 16,000 eligible voting-age people, and find 16,700 people registered-up.  

A mess?  Well, it begs questions.

Maybe you've got Joe who is working in county-X, and one day....moves over to county-Y without saying much.  Then six months later, after hooking up with some gal...he moves to county-Z.  Is he still registered in the two previous counties?  Probably so.

What would really mess up this discover that 1.8 EXTRA people did vote in the EIGHT states, and in most cases....double-voted....meaning there's around 1.8 votes just hanging out there.  

Worth a Senate investigation?  Well....what would these idiots discover?  You'd just open up a bigger mess.

Maybe these are all dead people still on the roosters?  I sat and thought over this.  Maybe Judicial Watch just didn't ask the right questions, and these are all dead folks.  But it's an odd question to toss out there....just after an election.  

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