Thursday 5 November 2020

The Only Path Left

 For Trump, the path left is readily apparent.

His lawyers have to go and find various discrepancies throughout the system (not just one state, but probably five to ten states).  Upon presenting everything to the Supreme Court, the discussion will have to throw out the count in these states. 

Once you admit fifty-odd EC votes don't exist....neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump can be elected via the Electoral College.  End of the game for that process.

So we progress to the House election method....the 3rd of January.  New House Speaker elected (likely to be Democrats in control).  I would question if Pelosi gets confirmed for another period.

Marginal efforts to occur for three weeks, and President Trump's era will close with no vote.  House Speaker would then assume the post because of the delays, with the Supreme Court ordering the Speaker (or replacement) to finally end this game and have the state-by-state vote.  26 will vote for Trump, and the 'game' ends.

For one brief day....the Speaker will likely serve as the President to make his or her point.

As comical as the scenario's likely the path ahead.  So the game of getting a replacement judge on the Supreme Court was a necessary one.  

Civil war coming in mid-to-late January?  Yes.  The State-of-the-Union message?  Done mostly to a half-empty room.  Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, and a dozen other cities on fire?  Probably.  

1 comment:

bob searcy said...

i cant envision the gibsmedat crowd ( of any ethnicity ) braving the january cold to throw their tantrums . discomfort and sacrifice isnt their MO .