Saturday 7 November 2020

The Path to National IDs

 Maybe thirty years ago, I might have agreed to the extreme far right/far left arguments on no national ID card.  Over the past twenty years, I've generally reversed my opinion. I don't see how we proceed without this point.

So the top eight observations:

1.  You have to connect this to the Social Security folks (they won't like the idea).  Virtually every county in America has a S/S office, and it's already fairly automated.  I do'd have to bulk up the manpower and it's probably in the 15k personnel range.

2.  Cost?  Right now, if you go ask various states.....professionally done IDs cost in the $45 to $50 range.  

I would make the US ID rate at $50, and offer up a free card to anyone who presents tax paperwork, or welfare evidence....that they make less than $35k a year on take-home salary.  Anyone from $35k a year or the $50 per card.

3.  Age to get a card?  I'd make it age 16, and offer up the first card for free.  

4.  Validity of the card?  Seven years.  At 7 years and one's no longer valid. 

5.  Registering to vote in any state?  The national ID card would be required and presented.  Any attempt to get past this registration without the card....would be stopped.  

6.  Laws over duplication or fraud?  If you were the person within Social Security making the fraudulent card or less than five years in prison, and $20k fine would be acceptable.  Outside the Social Security  group?  No less than ten years or $25k in fines.  Anyone who has manufactured more than a hundred cards?  Lifetime prison.  

7.  If this card identifies you as a Tennessee resident, then you primarily pay Tennessee taxes.  So if you moved from one state to another, you'd have to go and re-register within that state.  This data would be provided to each state upon request by their police, voting establishment or tax people.

8.  Finally, if you did attempt to attempt to vote in two different states in the same election, with the would automatically flag some national office in the FBI, and a complete investigation would be required.  

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