Sunday 6 December 2020

Can Santa Make It?

 In the midst of the Covid-19 era, the topic of Santa ought to come up.

First, can Santa survive Covid-19 or because of his unhealthy lifestyle (over-eating, lot of soda-drinking, etc) he a 'goner'?

Second, can Santa cross over the New York state line without a Covid-19 test?  Will he have to wait two weeks in some Brooklyn quarantine situation?  Will the governor just give him a waiver?

Third, will Covid-19 affect the elves?

Fourth, can the reindeer be affected by Covid-19?  If so, can we get Ford to engineer some type of clean-fuel delivery vehicle for Santa before the evening of the 24th?

Fifth and final....if Santa has Covid-19 symptoms and touches 15 million toys....will the virus 'critters' survive the delivery phase and infect 300-million kids world-wide?  Would it be wise to wipe clean (with Ajax or Windex) all toys that Santa delivers?

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