Thursday 14 January 2021

CNN Airport Network Ends?

 Around thirty years ago....CNN opened up a new network called CNN-Airport Network.  Basically, they were running a news operation that only functioned or was national airports.

Over the years, having been in thirty-odd US airports....I can generally say that it was mostly worthless.  The sound reception in some of these airports is crap.  You toss in important/critical messages being announced by your this whole gimmick was marginal, if you asked me.

Back around 2013, I had a conversation with one retired guy in an airport, and he ran through dozens of complaints about CNN, the propaganda value, and the useless nature of the news network.  I suspect that ten-percent of American travelers probably felt like this guy.  

This week....the director of CNN (Zucker) said 'enough'.  He's shutting down the Airport network. 

Chief reason?  Well....there's just not that many people flowing through the airports because of Covid-19.  So advertising just wasn't there to pay for the cost issues.

Is anyone going to miss it?  No.

What will fill the TV monitors?  Probably travel documentaries if you ask me. 

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