Sunday 3 January 2021

Dallas Police Story

 I sat and read over this Dallas city council order to the police and public.  What they decided list out a dozen-odd things that police won't be called to your house, apartment, or location....for these ''potential crimes'.

Stolen cars made the list.  I thought about this and various people who'd I known in the past who ended up calling the police for this situation.

Basically, all the info could have been called into some central office and in eight minutes....a report generated by a non-police office individual.  It was a total waste of time to have a policeman come out for 70-odd minutes and do this routine situation.

'ID theft' made the list....same story.  A phone-call to a central office could have generated this report.

'Graffiti'?  Yep...made the list.  Same story.  

'Lost property' made the list.

'Runaway' kids?  That made the list too.

So you start looking at the list and realize that for each ten police that you had on your employment...working 400 hours per week, that at least 200 of those hours were being wasted on low-detail jobs like this.  In a lot of cases, a non-policeman could have been trained in four weeks to simply take words from the individual and write the report up. 

At some point down the line....I suspect that 10-percent of the police working in Dallas are going to be let go because of the lessening of their job.  You can hire a kid with one year of community college to be a reports-generator and pay him 50-percent of what a policeman makes.  

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