Thursday 7 January 2021

Democratic Party = Republican Party: The Future

 After long pondering and's pretty easy to say that the Republican Party and Democratic Party over the past twenty-odd years have merged.  For theatrical purposes....they continue a good act, but it's just to stage things and continue a fake political agenda.

So my suggestion is....set up the third party.  I'd give it the name: Tea Party.  

I'd send an email or letter to my Congressman, Senator, and Governor....I won't support you anymore as Republican or Democrat.  I'd go down to the county court house and register presently as an 'independent' (hoping later in the state....the Tea Party device catches on).

I'd aim for local and regional voting to be the initial stages.  

The ten basic points of the party?

1. Downsizing the government (no, not 2-percent or even 5-percent, but probably an initial cut of 25-percent).

2.  Restrict the US military to strictly US territory or states.  In simple terms....bring the 'boys' home.  If you declare a war, your goal is to end the 'mess' and have a absolute limit of two years of 'peace-duty'.  Simply get the US out of the peacekeeper role. 

3.  Limit all House and Senate members to 12 years in their 'duty'.  

4.  Redraw the authority of the Supreme Court.  Most all legal matters should be limited to each individual state court system.  It should be a very limited number of acts that the Supreme Court gets action upon.

5.  Force various elements of the federal government to leave DC.  The FBI, DEA, etc....should all be given a five-year limit to relocate outside of the DC area.  

6.  Develop a mathematical formula for tax revenue....that it has to relate to the GDP in some way, and that all debt has to cleaned up in a ten-year period.  You cannot allow the government to freely spend.

7.  Get the federal government out of the business of college loans, period.

8.  Of the 2.7-billion acres of land in the US....the US federal government owns around 680-million acres (28-percent).  A twenty-year plan should be drawn up and each year....around 5-million acres should be released back to the states.  What they do with their own business.  

9.  Two pauses of 60 days each should be inserted into the Congressional calendar (March-April and November-December).  During these two pauses, Congressmen and Senators must return to their respected districts/states for 75-percent of the pause.  During the pause, no international travel or official meetings to be held unless the President declares an emergency.

10.  A full and complete public report should be generated on each single House and Senate members about their financial status...each single year.  If they can't complete the 2021 status by October of 2022....the member is given a one-time warning, and then is released if they can't finished the job within 30 days.  

The bottom line here....neither party can do their job, and it's basically time to recognize this issue.  The news and social media situation has developed this a great deal....into a childish behavior situation.  Various news groups (NPR, CNN, WaPo) are more like propaganda units....than actual news units.  

The idea that disgruntled Democrats should also give notice and clearly exit?  Oh I agree....they should find the exit point and establish the 4th party, and perhaps a 5th party.  

Both parties have reached the failure point, and there's not any reason to stay in the 'theater' for a failed 'show'.  

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