Saturday 30 January 2021

'Green Zone' Mentality

 To ensure the protection of the Baghdad 'Green Zone'.....they would eventually put up concrete barriers and significant say that everything within the zone was 'safe'.

So yesterday, if you follow DC news....the acting chief of the Capital Police said in a statement...a permanent security fence has to now exist in DC.

The need for back-up forces?  Yes, that got mentioned as well.

What I'll predict?  I'll make five predictions:

1.  The Capital Police get bumped up from 2,000 personnel to 3,000 by the end of 2021, 4,000 by 2022, and to 5,000 to 6,000 by 2023.

2.  There will be some secondary group attached them, probably to be referred to as Capital 'Minute-Men'....a military-like civilian group of fifteen-hundred-odd personnel, with armored vehicles, APCs, etc....based within the newly created DC 'Green Zone'.  

3.  Some kind of 'Green Zone' will exist to circle the White House, and angle eastward along Pennsylvania Avenue....protecting the DC 'State-House' created, the FBI building, the old Post Office building (currently the Trump Hotel), and ending around the Capital building/Supreme Court area.  Union Station and the various subway areas used for tourism will be left.  International guests will be shocked at the amount of security, and suggest that the nation is under permanent siege.

4.  The amount of security will reach a level that Senate/House staff members can't readily enter with ease, and some will suggest permanently moving their staffs beyond DC itself (into Virginia or Maryland).

5.  The 'Green Zone' mentality will not end at DC.  Various cities and states will funnel tens of billions into security fencing around city halls, and state houses.  At least a dozen states by 2024 will have siege-patrols ready to go with armored vehicles and a hundred military-garbed personnel prepared for massive action in each zone.

All of this reaching a comical belief by the public that an invasion is imminent, but it's not by the North Koreans, Nazis, Chinese, or Russians. 

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