Saturday 13 February 2021

A New Mystery: Waun Mawn

 For a long time, folks have been studying the stones used at the Stonehenge complex, and there's this new idea that has come out.  The stones there....are used stones.  

Meaning?  Well....they were originally standing up at a location that is roughly 200 kilometers away (Waun Mawn).  The suggestion here is that around 3000 years BC....this group of folks just packed up, and left Waun Mawn, for the present location.

Why?  Unknown.  

Proven theory?  It bothers a lot of people to suggest this idea, and they are asking why the people with the 'cult' would take such a drastic move.

It's not like you calling your cousin 'Marvin' to say things have hit maximum density there in the valley, and you've decided to move 120 miles NW.  Then you mention to Marvin, you got 100 stones....some weighing 25 tons....that are part of the move.  Marvin's enthusiasm to be helpful probably won't go that far.

So this brings me to the oddball question....what would drive a bunch of cult-folks to this extreme level.....picking up all their rocks....then resetting the whole operation in another valley 200-odd kilometers away?

Years to accomplish this?  Here's the would need the stones placed in a precise pattern to 'aim' at the summer/winter Equinox business.  If you understood the pattern (having a 365 day calendar already)....maybe you could do this in one single year of calibration.  

But what would drive you to this extreme amount of work?  Even if you had two-thousand folks in the cult-community....the planning and execution of this move would take a huge amount of effort.

So, we are left with a new mystery....what went wrong at Waun Mawn?  

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