Wednesday 17 February 2021

How Many Truth Commissions Should There Be?

Hype underway by Rep Pelosi to have a truth commission over the 6th of January.

Well....I can think of around 3,000 things I'd like to have a truth commission over:

- Did Pete Rose do some real gambling stuff?

- Is the NCAA bowl process really screwed up?

- Was it really necessary to dump the Aunt Jimena name, and go to this 'Milling' fake name?

- What's really with the alien and UFO business?

- What's with bigfoot?

- What's the real story with Hunter Biden?

- What's with Jeffrey Epstein's suicide?  Or was he murdered?

- Is fluoridated water safe to really drink?

- Do masks really help in terms of preventing Covid-19?

- Was the Georgia election process totally legit in 2020?

- What's with MK Ultra?

- What's with cattle mutilations?

- What did Nancy Pelosi decide on protection for the 6th of January?

- Why is California as a far in debt?

I could keep writing these, but the truth one really wants that much truth in their life.

So here's my suggestion....let's start up 3,000 truth commissions....six bosses and forty 'helpers' each and get each of these commissions going.  By the end, we ought to have a whole lot of truth....enough to keep CNN busy for five years....chatting over the 'truth'.  

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