Thursday 18 February 2021

Rush Rules: #33: There Will Always Be a Poor People

 With the passing of Rush Limbaugh, I will admit at various times (particularly in the 1989 to 1992 era), I listened to his talk-radio show a good bit.  In the past decade....maybe four hours in an entire year.  I tended to agree with around 60-to-70 percent of what he said, but had some serious reservations on things.

There's this list of Rush 'truths', and from this list.....the one I disagreed with a great deal was #33 (There will always be a poor people).

I'm a capitalist.  If you measured my enthusiasm for the 'art''s maxing out at 9.9 (out of ten).  

I'm a believer that where you start in life does not mean you are stuck there for the rest of your life.

It's an odd'd expect some PhD guy to go and get a hired-hand listing for a McDonalds in Chattanooga, Tennessee for 1981, and track to see where these folks forty years later are.  My humble belief is that 70-percent did move up and develop well-to-do lives (going beyond poor status).  

I might also agree that 5-percent of that group probably still work at McDonalds today, and still run the French Fry business, or run the front-counter.  These are people without aspirations or willing nature to get ahead.

But no one ever seems to go back ten years....twenty years....or thirty years, to see where fryer-guy or the milkshake-guy went.  

If Rush meant a lesser-class people will always exist?  Then I might agree with that angle....because we don't have a need for sixteen-million rocket-scientists, or twelve--million electrical engineers.  

I just don't buy the concept that a 16-year-old kid gets some thought-process that delivering pizzas is fine work for the next fifty years, or running the counter at Burger King. 

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