Friday 5 February 2021

Ten Things That Surprise Me By Not Happening Yet

 This is a list of ten things (randomly done) which probably should occur, but haven't done so yet.

1.  A TV show on Fox based entirely on fake news.  

2.  A complete SEC investigation of all 535 Senators and House members, their spouses, and particular investment deals that got them rich.

3.  College basketball involving actual contracts to play for college teams.  

4.  A cable channel with only 1940s movies, and a second channel for only 1930s movies.

5.  A reality show based on some unknown guy running against a fake Republican insider.

6.  Outlawing all TV westerns (going back to the 1950s) which had some bad guy shot/killed in the show.

7.  This mental eval chatter for gun control....would have to go to the full complete step....having US Army/Marines mental eval'ed to handle a weapon, and to have all law enforcement (local, state and federal) also on the eval group.  

8.  Having one Senator as a absolute Marxist-Leninist.

9.  A test to confirm that most all kids (since spring of 2020) have around 35-percent of the knowledge level from school that they should have. 

10.  At some point, Russian journalists will be handed 300 hours of taped conversations between Hunter Biden and some Chinese folks.....with details how x-amount of their money (going into the tens of millions) was paying the 'big guy'.  The House and Senate will then dig into a messy episode where Joe won't resign.  

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