Friday 19 February 2021

The $15 an Hour Minimum Wage Deal? Dead?

 Yep, if you follow the news....President Biden had this meeting with a couple of governors, and the take is....the $15 deal isn't going anywhere.  

Remember how hyped up folks were?

What really happened here?  I think around 50-percent of Democratic House members had a reality check....then looked at the current $7.25 rate.  The only path ahead for them?  Agree to some $1 rise ($8.25) and maybe hit $9 by 2024.

Logically, it makes sense.

Did the Joe-crew (running him and the White House) ask the Nancy Pelosi-team about the path?  No.  Zero communications.  

Do you get the impression....from the top ten Biden topics of January and February, that all ten have bumped into a wall and failed?  If you were Bill Clinton, George Bush, or Barak Obama....would you have stumbled this badly at the start?  No.  

Can Biden even do a retreat from $15 to $8.25?  No.  It would look ridiculous to the general population.  So he has to cancel out the talk entirely....let it lay there for six months, and dig up the rate change toward the end of 2021, with a one-dollar rise on the minimum wage.  

You would think that they'd have a person hired-up in the White have a one-hour meeting each week with Schumer and Pelosi, and iron out there's one single script.  This crew in Biden's office area?  Zero background and no grasp of the split government.  

All these burger-flippers and Piggly Wiggly cashiers....who dreamed of this magnificent $15 an hour deal by the end of 2021?  Back to work, and grumbling about that brief fantasy.  

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