Monday 15 February 2021

Why the Gitmo Conversation Always Lingers?

 Back around 2009/2010, President Obama had picked up the entire 'close-Gitmo' conversation and hinted (never promised) that things might change, and Gitmo (in Cuba) would close.  

The international community (mostly journalists) heaped praise upon President Obama, and it went at the core issue....HATE-BUSH.  Anything that Bush had done....had to be undone.

So weeks and months went by with the Obama-team who reviewed the whole Gitmo 'game'.

They had three central issues:

1.  The US Army had delivered some of the consumed individuals on Earth, who were driven to destroy either the US, or to kill Americans in this little prison property that was not on US territory.  

2.  On this small stretch of land, there were only simple basic rights given to the prisoners.  The lawyers to defend these folks?  They had to arrange for permission to fly in....had to settle for what the judge gave them as 'rights'....and the guards were US military.

3.  If you ended Gitmo, where would you resettle Gitmo prisoners?  Into the US?  And if so, what state?  

At the end of the whole process....the problem left unanswered centered on where in the US that you would bring the prisoners?  At some point, Illinois was suggested.  That drove a fair amount of negativity in the state.  Then the subject got dropped.

So President Biden has started the same discussion.  The prisoner movement into the US?  I'm guessing that some element of the White House is thinking of some 'red-states' and thinking of creating a game to generate fake action.  

This whole thing to linger through 2021, 2022 and 2023?  I would suggest that.  

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