Tuesday 2 March 2021

A Binge TV Viewing

 I've sat this past seven days watching (bingefully)....a South Korean series entitled 'Kingdom'.  It's a 12-episode piece (over two years) from the fictional book 'Kingdom of the Gods'....which took off as a book and got the interest of Netflix to sponsor the 12 episodes.

So to the three key things:

1.  It's a fantastic layout of landscape and clothing style (from the early 1600s).  The castles, the villages, and the landscape all appear authentic.

2.  The acting.  Among the top dozen characters, I'm shocked at the acting level.  For the Emmy level....I could see at least four characters getting nominated.  

3.  Finally, this crazy script.  Well....the basic story revolves around this evil queen who has poisoned the king-husband....keeping him in a state of half-dead/half-alive.  And when I refer to half-dead....yes, zombie-like.

So the story is what makes this a crazy situation...about three minutes into it....you realize that this is a South Korean version of 'The Walking Dead'....set in ancient South Korea.

You've got all this effort to make it into a fantastic tale, and the whole thing revolves around zombies....not some simple 4-star crazy-evil queen story.

Around the 3rd episode....you are attached to the story in a binge-like way.

An ending?  Well.....NO.  They easily wrapped up the basic story at the season of season two, and then in the final eight minutes....lay out the whole scenario for season three, and probably season four. 

So if you have access to Netflix....I'd highly recommend 'Kingdom'.  Even if you don't like zombie movies.....just the landscape and basic evil queen story will keep you interested.   

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

The last time I owned a television set was sometime last century.
I have zero-zero-zero interest in televisionprogramming.

I visit elderly shut-ins.
Yesterday, one old gal invited me to spectate at televisionprogramming with her... but was too befuddled to pick anything she thought would hold my interest.

Based on your recommendation, I suggested we give KINGDOM a try.

You are correct about the sets and costumes.
Although the acting is 'stiff' at times, it seems culturally appropriate.

We spectated through the first episode.
The concluding scene was on the rough side for me.

I will let you know if I return to the remaining episodes...