Tuesday 30 March 2021

Eric Trump's Commentary over Joe Biden

 I'd strongly suggest a read (five minutes required) of Eric Trump's analysis of Joe Biden, and why he might be around for four years.

First, let me suggest this....from the summer of 2019 to December of 2019....Senator Harris's attempt at the Presidential election went from zero to 10 mph.  This is one of the more fascinating things about the campaign that she ran.  In December of 2019...she made the decision to exit because she wasn't gaining on any poll.

These days, if you intend to survive through the first dozen state primaries.....you need attention....connections to the public....and some real cash (probably more than 20 million).  She was more or less.....a '3' if you went by the scale of one to ten, as you approach the first primary.

So you come to the convention and the necessity of picking a VP.  I would imagine that Joe Biden was given a strongly worded direction by the Democratic Party.....the VP choice had to be a black or Latino female.  They might have given him a list of ten possible candidates, and just said....any of them can be the VP.  So Joe might say that he had control, but the truth was.....he had no control.

What Eric Trump writes in his piece is that Joe Biden (with his wife in full agreement)....intends to last out the full four years, and every single action done to give VP Harris 'work-to-do'....is intended to show that she's not capable of doing anything.

As you get to the end of 2021....there's probably going to be a dozen jobs that Harris was taken on, and mostly all failed upon. 

Then Pelosi and company will look at the ease of the 25th Amendment, and dumping Biden.....realizing they have an extremely weak VP to perform executive work.

A wise point?  I have some doubts, but here's the thing.....whatever weakness she showed in 2019 for the primary and campaign period.....has not gone away, and they have a marginal person to take over.

Can President Biden last four full years?  Would everyone in the news media just look the other way for four years, and let 'Uncle Joe' give five or six dementia demonstrations weekly....just letting it go?

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