Sunday 14 March 2021

Math Being Racist?

 Around 2,600 years ago....the Greeks woke up and did something that no one really expected...they invented math.

They, more or less, said that space, structure, quantity, and whatever is left over (the change or difference)...mattered.

Maybe other cultures had suggested this, but the Greeks sat down and defined the path ahead.

In their mind, predictions were now possible.  You could define a garden and suggest the potential coming from the fruits.  You could define a barrel of wine, and suggest a price to that barrel, or your entire production cycle for the year.

Around 2,000 years prior to this....the Egyptians had dabbled in the 'art' (mostly for construction purposes) was the Greeks who took it entirely to the next level and finding formulas for just about every single situation. 

I reviewed this whole history discussion, and the recent garbage going on about math being racist.  The Greeks defined math as a simple tool to explain facts.  Without don't have much to really gauge reality upon.

So this chatter in the past month....that math might be racist?  It's hard to imagine someone starting a fake agenda like this, and thinking it'd lead anywhere.  

The heart of this racist argument? inner city are crapping out on math skills.  You might have a 18-year old kid in front of you....who can basically do third-grade math, and that's the reality of poor schools existing now.  So you have people standing around and suggesting that maybe math doesn't matter as a skill.

Dropping math entirely?  It's on some agenda but I think it's opening a pretty bad Pandora's Box, if you engage in this stupidity.  

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