Tuesday 16 March 2021

Oscars Chatter

 In the last couple of days....the movies nominated for the 2021 Oscar situation came out on a list.

I looked at the group...it's just an odd list.

The only movie that I've seen?  "Mank".  I'd describe as a 1940s type story...done in black and white, and went straight to Netflix.  It's a nice period piece but as for Oscar-type material?  No.

The rest?  I've seen previews.

You come to “The Father”.  Basically, a 80-year guy (Anthony Hopkins) who is in decline from dementia.  It's not exactly a movie that the bulk of folks would pay $15 for an evening seat at the theater to see.

Then you come to  “Judas and the Black Messiah”....a historical piece over the 1960s and the Illinois Black Panther group.  Maybe if you were into political intrigue and Black Panthers....you might have spent $15 for a seat....otherwise, no.

"Nomadland"?  I've watched the preview to this at least four times.  Basically, some lady who wants to be alone, and goes off to some Montana-like setting....discovering she has no real talents for the situation.  A $15 ticket?  No.  

“Minari”?  Some South Koran couple has immigrated into the US with high expectations, and fairly challenged.  The thing with this preview I watched....if you remember Glenn from Walking Dead....he's the key figure in the movie, and from the preview....he does a 5-star job.  Asking myself....would I pay $15 to go watch a movie like this?  It's questionable.  

“Promising Young Woman”?  It's advertised as a 'black-comedy' revolving around a rape and revenge.  So the humor part to this story is missing for some reason.  Worth $15 for a ticket?  I just don't see it.

“Sound of Metal”?  Upon completion, went to Amazon.  Basically the story of a drummer going deaf, and his complications of accepting this.  $15 ticket material?  Well....no, but it might be worth watching via Amazon Prime.

“The Trial of the Chicago 7″? Upon completion, went to Netflix.  Historical piece from 1968.  Worth a $15 ticket?  No, but maybe worth watching via Netflix.

Lousy year?  Part of the blame is Covid-19, and the other half being some desire to have social messages/brands to make movies over.

Viewers for the Oscars?  I'll predict at least ten-percent fewer viewers than in 2020.  The studios?  They are in trouble....with the public and with theaters.  


bob searcy said...

if hollywood is counting on my money they'd better get back to planting pecan groves . that decadent art , film , and culture that hitler despised -- where do you think those people set up camp after europe became hostile to them ?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

One added problem...the only outlet currently to make profit off movies...is video-streaming (via Amazon or Netflix). The potential of making a 40-million dollar movie? Zero, if you intend to sell via streaming. My humble guess is that you can probably make a very limited movie (low-budget) for around 10-million, and get the streaming guys to pay in the neighborhood of 10-to-12 million for it.

A good example, the new Tom Hanks 'News of the World'. I'd generally rate it as a good 3-star movie, good script, and done on the cheap scale. If you asked a hundred people their view....probably 80-percent would give a thumbs-up. For Netflix, it's a good investment. Some of these Oscar-mentioned movies? They might go to streaming services, but the audience might not be that much to brag about.

bob searcy said...

my point was -- i dont watch their garbage .