Sunday 4 April 2021


 1.  Number of unaccompanied juveniles entering the US and caught in March?  19,000....officially announced yesterday.  

Is a trend?  Unknown. 

If it stayed near this level for remaining nine months?  It'd add up to 190,000 juveniles that someone has to supervise.  

At some point, some journalists is going to label them 'Biden's kids', and this will surge up to a massive problem with no solution. 

2.  This attacker at the capital...did he really say that the US government is the number ONE enemy of black people? 

Yeah, he did actually say that.  Maybe he wasn't so crazy after all. 

3.  CDC saying people can now travel?  Well....Covid-19 isn't exactly going away.  So it's just odd how they said this statement.

4.  "Too much risk too risky", quote this week by Michael Barone. He's referring to Covid business, but after you sit and ponder over the comment....this quote might be correct about 90-percent of what we do in life.

5.  Does President Biden have any 'glue' for national unity?  

This past week, this topic has been on my mind.  For twenty years....essentially, 'glue' has been missing.  You can't even make the case for fake-glue existing. 


bob searcy said...

" enemy of black people ? " .
thats rich , man .
do you know how long my white ass would be in prison if i smashed windows and looted , trashed a police car , or burned down a building ?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'd offer up that after the late 1960s'd have a brief noticeable riot period (usually for one summer), about every ten years. It was like engaging disadvantaged youth, and getting up hyped-up...then after the riot, they'd notice that local stores that were looted or burned...didn't re-open, and reality came up that if you destroy your usually looks even more crappy than what it was before. After that, the act locally doesn't repeat itself. I kinda think that will be the outcome in Minneapolis after the court case...nothing much happens.

bob searcy said...

ive been watching the floyd trial because i have an interest in the criminal justice process . ( son murdered in 2016 ) .
imo , the troublesome bystanders not only greatly raised the ambient tension at the scene but they also inadvertently prevented floyd from being immediately treated at the scene .
it doesnt seem to matter . good cop , bad cop , they are all treated like an enemy by these urban mugs .

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I would suggest this....ever since the 1980s when drug activity took off, police-action 'consumers' have made crime scene situations more hectic and demanding. It's that way in urban America, and throughout urbanized Europe as well.

There ae some areas of NY City, where if you were to stage an arrest of any local, you'd have to call in a dozen cops minimum. Same way in Paris...same way in Hamburg, etc.

But you add to this...we've added so many police...that probably a quarter of the police action is involving incompetent or ill-qualified folks. Add in the PTSD affected cops, and you have all kinds of disasters in the making.