Tuesday 20 April 2021

Sicknick: Death By Natural Causes


Capital policeman Brian Sicknick was yesterday signed off dead by natural causes.....mostly by the end-result of a double stroke.

The events of the 6th of January....leading up to the strokes?  More than likely.  But it begs the question.....had he had yearly physicals and had any past issue been noted?

All those suggestions of pepper-spray triggering an event, or him being 'whopped' upside the head with a  fire-extinguisher?  All....fake news.  Yeah.....everything that the NY Times talked about, or what CNN 'suggested'.....just leading back to fake news in the end. 


bob searcy said...

SR , do you fence ride on the current controversial events ? thats what im sensing and it makes your opinion site moot to me . my oldest son is like this and it infuriates me . i dont care what your analysis of the GF trial is , i think youre a fence rider for failing to comment on it . im inclined both ways . cop cockbitery , and cops under stress . gelnhausen rent caps aint news . ( just an example ) .

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I tend to pause over 'big' stories and wait several weeks for all the facts to be laid out. Some things are simply complicated with no clear story in the end.

The GF/Minneapolis story is that way. Where did the counterfeit $20 come from (the answer is never delivered at the court case)? Is there enough there to suggest the cop had an attitude problem (never delivered at the court case)?

The 6th of January chaos is that way...you are left with various unanswered questions and a incompetent news quest to resolve the mess.

Rental caps are mostly a mess left over from stupid politics in the 1980s, and corrective matters being thrown around will only make finding affordable properties in the future a bigger issue. The comical side is that this mess has generated into a top three political problem here in 2021 (a decade ago, folks would have laughed at that suggestion).

Given as to how most folks are Covid-burned-out....just about any topic holds more value in discussion these days.