Thursday 22 April 2021

When Authority Means Nothing

 I've sat and watched this police-video (at least 15 times) of the Columbus, Ohio situation where this 16-year old teen (Ma'Khia Bryant) is shot by the police. 

It's up on YouTube and you can find watch for yourself.

The 911 call?'s basically this 'warning' by the caller that all 'hell' is breaking loose and arguments with the potential for violence are the  cops arrive, and it's roughly ten to fifteen seconds after the arrival that you see two individuals (one guy and one teenage gal) who seem to be unaffected by the police car or police authority.

It's a odd thing to watch.....seconds where these two idiots are intently set on some type of violence, with no affect by the police presence. 

Maybe I'm from a different generation (1960s/1970s/1980s).  But generally, the minute a fire-truck or a police presence is entire focus is upon the 'authority'.

These two?  I get the impression that you could have dumped out a 2,500-lb bull upon the crowd, and they would have continued their intended degree of violence.

So you see the teenager suddenly with a knife and progressing  toward a stabbing.  The intent to kill? Absolute.  

If the policeman hadn't fired?  Well...the teenager in the pink pants-suit would have been stabbed two or three times, and probably enough to die there on the front-yard.  

The 16-year old?  She would have gone off to prison for 15 to 20 years.

So I sit and ponder.....all people had to do upon the arrival of the police car....take note, and just chill out.  In this case, the police car and authority arriving....meant nothing to these two.  That should generally scare you.....we have dropped so low as a society, that authority means nothing.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Although I strongly disagree with the content many of them offer, I admire the commitment of instructors in government schools.
I think stepping onto the grounds of a government school -- without a contingent of body-guards -- shows substantial courage.