Monday 17 May 2021

AP Story

 Somewhere in the news, you will notice chatter about the Israeli/Palestinian 'mini-war' business, and where the Israelis gave notice that they were going to bomb such-and-such building, which happened to be the place-of-business for the Associated Press (AP).

So after the building fell (completely)....which got the AP people all kinda got said that some apartment in the building with them....was actually the headquarters section of Hamas.  

The AP folks wanted everyone to know that they had no idea that Hamas was also in the same building. 

I sat there reading over the denial, and it just seemed to me.....if you were actual true journalists (from the 1960s/1970s) would have known such a thing.  But these journalists from the past decade or two.....aren't that bright, and it's entirely possible that they had no idea Hamas was a neighbor.  

AP shut down for a while?  Well....they have to find a new location....get some equipment brought in, and there's a chance that they move into a new building with their former Hamas neighbors (again).

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