Thursday 24 June 2021

Educational Chaos

 I sat and read through this story.  Basically, the state legislature of Oregon has come to realize that in this Covid-19 era....educational achievement is royally screwed.  

So they wrote a draft bill in Oregon that is going to the desk of the governor....which would waiver the requirement of a read/write or perform math requirements at the 10th grade graduate and get your diploma.

Permanently?  NO.  This waiver would last until 2027.

In theory, you could be standing there at age the final months of the 12th grade, with the ability to read/write at the 5th grade level, and marginally perform 6th grade math.....but it's all well and good enough to graduate.

You'd sit there and ask....why would you fund or go tax locals to support school costs....for twelve years per kid?  

If I were the kid in this the 9th grade presently, then I'd be laughing.  All I have to do is show up and attend class.  The system is geared for me to learn nothing but graduate at the conclusion of the 12th grade.

So you ask yourself....if you were an employer in the reliable is the educational system?  Every kid graduating between now and 2027....questioned over their knowledge level?  Yeah, basically....that's the story.

Consequences?  I can see over a hundred issues being created, and none of them helpful for society.  

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