Tuesday 22 June 2021

The Problem with News

 Joe Rogan gave an interview in the past couple of days, and talked about spiraling trend of CNN, and in particular....Brian Stelter.

Over the past three years, I've probably watched twenty-odd clips of Stelter in action....some of three minutes....some going up to half-an-hour.  The general problem that Stelter has (same way for most all of CNN's team)....they take a story which has six facts which could be discussed for about six minutes.....but instead turn the entire show (45 minutes if you cut commercial time out), and you stand there at the conclusion....feeling a bit dazed that six facts took 45 minutes to lay out.  

Adding onto this....you end up with four people at the table, coming on the show at various times....acting as experts, and you feel like one single person could have told this story in simplicity.

You see this at a lesser degree with MSNBC and Fox....maybe half as much. They usually lay out the six facts....have one single expert appear, and maybe dwell on this for around fifteen minutes. 

Stelter excels at this 'game' more than anyone else.  

Rogan's criticism?  He's correct....people are flipping from commercial news....to YouTube 'channels' like Rogan.  Rogan has become a modern-day Larry King....asking both smart and stupid questions.  Rogan lets you know ahead of time....he's always a bit skeptical and doesn't necessarily buy into half of the news that we hear on a daily basis.

The fact that Rogan's show outdraws Stelter's show now?  If you had said something like this a decade ago....folks would have laughed. 

Should CNN let Shelter go?  Well...if you did....what would replace him?  The same crap?  

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