Thursday 3 June 2021

The Thing About 'Binges'

 Breitbart put up a story's this private security company that hired up a Secret Service guy as their CEO about a week after he personally handled a discreet but messy event....with Hunter Biden.

What is said is that Hunter showed up in Los Angeles....stayed at a hotel at some point in 2018, and got on a alleged drug and prostitute binge.

I sat and read over the story for a while....several times.

I kinda know what a drug binge is, and how you could be there in a fancy hotel room with a fair amount of cocaine, and really binge big time.

But then I came to a prostitute binge situation. Being from Alabama, we'd naturally say that two hours with one single hooker.....was a binge point.  

Some folks from Birmingham would say three black hookers for a 24-hour period, would be a binge point.

Some folks from Florida would say eight hours with four hookers would be a binge point.  

Some guys from NY City would say that two hookers for twelve hours....would be a binge point.  

I've known Vietnam vets who'd say that in Thailand in days with two hookers was a binge thing.

So, I'm kinda left wondering.....what exactly was the hooker binge level in 2018 for Hunter?

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Happy Killdozer Day, everybody!