Sunday 25 July 2021

Biden's Suggestion

 One of the comments from President Biden during the town hall of this past week....concerns the comment 'we don't have near enough people handling the mentally-ill and the drug addicted folks in America'.

I've sat there for a fair amount of time pondering the statement.

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) says just in out of five Americans have some form of mental illness.  That's 51.5-million Americans.  At the more serious level....they figure it's five-percent of the nation or 13-million.  

NSDUH says that around (2017 survey) 19.7-million Americans had a drug addiction of some type.  

You add the numbers's around 33-million folks that would be in this concept of President Biden's idea.....where people would be handling the group.  

The chief problem here?  Under his idea....these people deserve help....whether they want it or not. If you went up to the 33-million and said here's your big chance in life....I'd be skeptical that you even got 10-percent of the group being agreeable for one massive rehab deal.  

In the case of the paranoid schizophrenic might be better off just housing them in a quiet facility....away from the general public. Once you explained that idea to the general public....probably sixty-percent of them would freak out and say 'no way'. 

So the suggestion that President Biden made?   A noble act?  More or less....yeah.  We all have crazy uncles, nutty neighbors who mow the lawn in a precise fashion, co-workers who disappear on a four-day period once a year while using heroin or LSD, friends who go nuts when traveling on planes, associates who do weed four times a day to handle their anxiety/stress levels, and cousins who have lived under bridges in Los Angeles for the past seven years.  

It's just that it'd take a massive army to cover the issue, and if the problem-person doesn't want the enforced recovery....then what?  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

The stable rational producers, the long-term planners... we are a massive army.