Thursday 22 July 2021

The Truth About This Pelosi-6 January-'Truth Commission'

 Basically, Grandma baked up a pie...set it on the window to cool off, and someone stole.  So Grandma is calling the Scooby Doo-team in, and they know the drill....just blame the neighbor kid but lengthen this enough that Grandma bakes a dozen pies just for the Scooby team.

This whole effort works like the Warren Commission over JFK's assassination, except the FBI and Justice Department are already on the case, and doing their job.  Now, if you think they are incapable of doing their job....then the Scooby Doo-team makes sense.  But so far, no one has suggested that.

Pelosi refused two of the Republican's suggested members to the they came back yesterday and said they just weren't going to participate.  So it's simply a one-sided Scooby Doo-team.

Will anyone cooperate and testify?  Not unless you work up a deal and drop charges on them.

Will the Capital Police chief and leadership admit they screwed up?  No. 

Will Pelosi be asked questions?  No.

So this Scooby Doo-team script is already basically written out?  Yeah.

When will the report be finalized?  I would imagine around 30 days before the November 2022 mid-term election.  It'll be page one news on CNN for at least a month. 

Will anyone really care?  That's the question.

If there is a serious Republican win in November's mid-term....won't that start another truth-commission/Scooby Doo team?  Well....yeah, and it'll center on Biden (both Joe and Hunter), and maybe even look at Antifa.  

I'd start to prepare myself....every two years, another Scooby Doo team investigation, and probably more truth than you can ever handle.  Here's the chief problem....we probably need to know the truth about the truth.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Have no fear, OurBestMen© are on it.